回复 :说唱歌手兼演员文斯·斯塔普利斯小有名气,也有几个小钱。他在长滩老家应对日常生活中的各种挑战与意外。
回复 :知青高建国(印小天 饰)在一场意外中重伤了恋人安慧(瑛子 饰)的哥哥安国庆(王璐 饰)。为了逃避法律的制裁,高建国慌忙之中逃往香港,从此了无音信,留下安慧和哥哥面对他们坎坷的命运。在香港,高建国邂逅了名为李欣欣(高珑珂 饰)的富家千金,随着时间的推移,两人渐渐的走到了一起。在李欣欣的帮助下,高建国下海经商,创办了国盛电子厂,日子终于好过起来。就在这个节骨眼上,高建国再度遇见了同样在创业的安慧和安国庆,陈年旧怨再度浮出水面。在经历了一番勾心斗角你死我活后,高建国和安国庆总算消解了误会重拾友谊,与此同时,一场车祸夺走了李欣欣的生命。
回复 :Birds of paradise are one of David Attenborough's lifelong passions. He was the first to film many of their beautiful and often bizarre displays, and over his lifetime he has tracked them all over the jungles of New Guinea. In this very personal film, he uncovers the remarkable story of how these 'birds from paradise' have captivated explorers, naturalists, artists, film-makers and even royalty. He explores the myths surrounding their discovery 500 years ago, the latest extraordinary behaviour captured on camera and reveals the scientific truth behind their beauty: the evolution of their spectacular appearance has in fact been driven by sex.And in a final contemporary twist to this story of obsession and royalty, he travels to the desert of Qatar, to a state-of-the-art facility which houses the largest breeding group of these birds in the world - a sheikh's very own private collection. There he has his closest ever encounter with a greater bird of paradise and its dramatic display, reliving the experience that captivated him in the forests of New Guinea more than 50 years ago.'For me birds of paradise are the most romantic and glamorous birds in the world. And this is a film I have wanted to make for 40 years.' - Sir David Attenborough.