明里A 300-year-old lesbian vampire and her lover stay at a posh European resort. They seduce a sadistic husband and his beautiful wife. The husband is soon found dead, and his wife joins the two vampires.
明里A 300-year-old lesbian vampire and her lover stay at a posh European resort. They seduce a sadistic husband and his beautiful wife. The husband is soon found dead, and his wife joins the two vampires.
回复 :環境紀錄片導演柯金源,最新力作《海之岸》以跨領域、共創的方式,與人劇團表演藝術工作者,一起探索台灣海岸的各種意象,詮釋目前的環境議題,請大家用心感受激盪出的浪花。從景觀豪宅前的「弔唁」,藻礁與能源爭議喧囂後的「蠕動」,灘地退潮後的「物種演化」,填海造地上的「吶喊」,風機及消波塊環伺的「天舞」,石化工業區的「味覺」,廢水污染與地層下陷的「感知」,以及自然海岸的「體認」,用二元對比與隱喻的影像,展現出不一樣的創作風格。
回复 :路易·德拉克斯是一个问题小孩:聪明,少年老成,满嘴谎言,而且还总是会发生一些危险、让人难安的意外事故。9岁的他已经发生了八次意外:第一次,出生时母亲难产;第二次,患上婴儿猝死综合症;第三次,突发痉挛,9分半钟没有呼吸;第四次,掉进里昂地铁的铁轨中,全身85%被电击…第九次,不幸坠崖,但在医生宣布其死亡两个小时后,他又奇迹般地活了下来,但是他的家庭也因此支离破碎。
回复 :When a promised job for Texan Michael fails to materialise in Wyoming, Mike is mistaken by Wayne to be the hitman he hired to kill his unfaithful wife, Suzanne. Mike takes full advantage of the situation, collects the money and runs. During his getaway, things go wrong, and soon get worse when he runs into the real hitman, Lyle.