回复 :Reality tv show on the History channel. BIG TIMBER follows the dangerous work of logger and sawmill owner Kevin Wenstob as he and his crew go to extremes to keep the family sawmill, and their way of life, alive. Kevin's logging a remote timber claim high up the steep, rugged slopes of Klitsa Mountain, deep in the majestic heart of Vancouver Island. It's home to some of the best wood in the world and Kevin's making a big bet to get it. The claim has a thousand truckloads waiting for him and his first goal is to get 200 truckloads off the mountain before winter shuts him down, but the mountain won't give up without a fight. That's only his first obstacle though, as he finds out close to winter that he has to clear his whole claim, all one thousand loads, as soon as he can get back up there in the spring. He'll be stuck with millions of dollars in penalties if he can't do it. With his wife Sarah, his son Erik, and his right-hand man Coleman by his side, Kevin will do whatever it takes to get that big timber!
回复 :大型文化综艺节目《黄河文化大会》第二季定档,于11月25日起,每周六20:30在山东卫视播出,11月26日播出文化“两创”特别节目。节目以“保护、传承和弘扬黄河文化,推动黄河流域生态保护和高质量发展”为主题,来自全国各地的99位黄河文化爱好者将进行答题比拼,并邀请文化学者康震、蒙曼、郦波、杨雨作为点评嘉宾,深入解读黄河文化。
回复 :外表帅气、作风轻浮的马桶垫设计师伢叔和妻子离婚后,与女儿小敏一起生活。某天,伢叔莫名其妙的穿越了,并稀里糊涂地成为了超级英雄,被赋予了从外星人手中拯救地球的重任。而他成为超级英雄的代价就是从原本英俊帅气的型男变成肥胖油腻的大叔。就这样,伢叔开始了与众多非典型外星人鸡飞狗跳的日常……