江湖季In this engrossing survival thriller set during the Japanese invasion of Singapore in 1942, a stranded Australian airman and a Chinese resistance fighter band together to fight their way out of a forbidding jungle wilderness.
江湖季In this engrossing survival thriller set during the Japanese invasion of Singapore in 1942, a stranded Australian airman and a Chinese resistance fighter band together to fight their way out of a forbidding jungle wilderness.
回复 :人工智能创业者戚有仓与未婚妻就是否要小孩的问题产生了剧烈分歧…夜场老板老屠想金盆洗手,携亲远走他国,情人和养女却十分犹豫…顺风车司机陈霍遇上了心仪姑娘,陈霍愿意帮她做事,她却正准备移民…女博士有关幸福的毕业论文遭导师靳凯元的否定,她却发现导师的婚姻并不幸福… 大数据时代下,这四组看似无关的人物,逐渐交织在一起,各自平行的时空其实隐现着某个交点。
回复 :林仁在被公司解雇后又不幸卷入到一宗便利店抢劫案中,他害怕自己被警方怀疑而选择了逃跑。 林仁来到广州,结识了一帮新朋友,然而,更大的危险却在等待着他们,他又将面临选择。
回复 :本片通过摄影师RigbyGray的镜头,讲述了几对母子之间的故事。