回复 :短剧《白月光拯救计划》讲述游戏公司副总明雅(张雅梦饰)因意外得到一条芯片项链,从而进入了古代时空,与神奇灵境系统客服“婉齐”绑定,开始了一场充满冒险的循环任务之旅。在完成任务的过程中,明雅发现自己大学时代暗恋的男神师兄北溯(潘毅鸿饰)竟然成为了任务中她要不断攻略的对象,而当年她与北溯无疾而终的那场青春初恋,实际上别有隐情……
回复 :欢迎来到娜斯佳的世界——娜斯佳和她的父母会在这里玩耍、学习、唱歌、探索并分享他们的生活经历。每天都会有数百万来自世界各地的儿童和家庭加入到纳斯蒂亚的队伍当中,我们会一起探索世界,并一起学习歌曲、数字、自然、颜色、形状、动物,以及学习吃健康食品、洗手、如何与朋友交往等等。
回复 :An Arab boy, Abdullah, loves his donkey, Bim, but another boy, Massoud, who also happens to be a prince, is jealous of Abdullah and his relationship with Bim, so Massoud steals the donkey and plays mean tricks on him, such as painting him and trying to cut his ears off. Abdullah tries to rescue Bim but is caught by palace guards and is imprisoned. Realizing Abdullah's love for his donkey, Massoud becomes ashamed of his meanness and frees Bim and Abdullah. However, the donkey eats Massoud's father's lunch and is taken to a butcher. Abdullah and Massoud try to rescue Bim from the butcher, but robbers get there first and steal the donkey along with the butcher's goods. The robbers escape to the sea, and Abdullah and Massoud stage one last rescue attempt with all of their friends to try to save Bim.