由希尔顿·拉塞尔达编剧和导演的同志电影《纹身》,国产被第41届格拉玛多电影节评选为2013年巴西国内最佳电影。影片讲述在1978年军事独裁的社会背景下,国产主人公中士克莱西奥和伶人菲尼诺情定剧院,发展出一段隐秘的同性恋情。 ◎QAF
由希尔顿·拉塞尔达编剧和导演的同志电影《纹身》,国产被第41届格拉玛多电影节评选为2013年巴西国内最佳电影。影片讲述在1978年军事独裁的社会背景下,国产主人公中士克莱西奥和伶人菲尼诺情定剧院,发展出一段隐秘的同性恋情。 ◎QAF
回复 :和贺英良(加藤刚 饰)是业内闻名的钢琴家,年纪轻轻就取得了崇高的成就,事业前途一片大好。某日,英良遇见了名为三木谦一(绪形拳 饰)的老人,让英良感到震惊的是,这位老人竟然知道自己隐藏了多年的秘密和一直想要舍弃和埋葬的过去。 惊慌而又愤怒的英良选择杀死了三木,之后,三木的尸体被发现了,警部今西荣太郎(丹波哲郎 饰)和吉村弘(森田健作 饰)是负责调查此案的警官。敏感而又聪慧的今西通过缜密的调查和取证,渐渐将目标锁定在了英良的身上,挖掘出了这位天才音乐人不为人知的黑暗一面,最终,今西和吉村逮捕了英良,为这悲剧性的案件画上了终点。
回复 :On 6 May 1945, soldiers of the 88th US Infantry Division occupied the Himmlers’ family home in Gmund on Lake Tegernsee where they discovered hundreds of private letters, documents, journals and photographs. The film makes use of these materials and copious archive footage to sketch the biography of SS commander Heinrich Himmler who committed suicide at the end of May 1945 by taking a cyanide capsule. How did this nationalistic lower-middle-class man become Hitler’s henchman responsible for developing and executing the strategies that led to the murder of millions of Jews, homosexuals, Communists and Romany people? Where did his ideology originate? How did he see himself and how was he perceived in private by his wife Margarete, his daughter Gudrun and his mistress Hedwig? How could the man who often referred to so-called German virtues such as order, decency and goodness also write home in the midst of the war and Holocaust: ‘I am well in spite of my heavy workload’? What was it that caused his daughter to say after a visit to Dachau concentration camp: ‘It was lovely …’ A film about the pretensions of a mass murderer and the repression of any sense of guilt.Berlinale 2014
回复 :邪恶的克劳博士(托尼·马丁 Tony Martin 饰)锒铛入狱,令将他捉拿归案的G神探(弗伦奇·斯图尔特 French Stewart 饰)名声大噪。然而好景不长,G神探发现,随着时间的推移,自己身上的很多机能都发生了故障,因而惹出了一大堆的麻烦,G神探遭到了连连降职。祸不单行,克劳博士越狱成功,正在酝酿更大的阴谋,想要把整个城市都毁于一旦。为了阻止悲剧的发生,市长设计出了新型机器人G2神探(伊莲·亨德里克斯 Elaine Hendrix 饰),这位精明强干,巾帼不让须眉的机器人小姐很快就抢了G神探的风头。为了维护自己的地位,G神探只得假装和G2神探搞好关系,两人联手追踪着克劳博士的踪迹。