亚洲区Something terrifying is happening off the coast of Block Island. A strange force is thriving, influencing residents and wildlife alike.
亚洲区Something terrifying is happening off the coast of Block Island. A strange force is thriving, influencing residents and wildlife alike.
回复 :一对夫妻(黎耀祥、关宝慧饰)为了鬼怪之事而争吵,丈夫不信世上有鬼,但太太却坚信自己曾亲眼见到家里有鬼,十分惊恐,无论如何也要搬走。一天,丈夫也怀疑自己真的撞见鬼……世上真的有鬼吗?香港这个繁华大都市里,充斥着各式各样的鬼故事和传说,本片逐一详述,娓娓道来……
回复 :泰国热带雨林中,不时出现一些奇怪事件,某天一对猎人在狩猎中,发现一个小蛇女,并将她捉住,带返研究所意图得到丰厚利润。小蛇女因不断被针药所测试,身体起了极大变化,竟变成巨大蟒蛇,袭击人类,在千钧一发之际,蛇母出现并相劝,蛇女无奈接受现实并默然离去……
回复 :The demonic forces in the haunted Long Island house escape through a mystical lamp which finds its way to a remote California mansion where the evil manipulates a little girl by manifesting itself in the form of her dead father.