回复 :Christine (Sandy McLeod), a bright and unassuming young woman, takes a job selling tickets at a porno theater near Times Square. Instead of distancing herself from the dark and erotic nature of this milieu, Christine soon develops an obsession that begins to consume her life. The character’s reaction unexpectedly flips normal gender roles; director Gordon daringly twists feminist ideology by showing a woman who finds self-expression through an interest in pornography. Variety becomes even more provocative when it dramatizes the changes that occur in Christine’s relationships with both Mark (Will Patton), her boyfriend, and Louie, a dangerous-looking patron of the theater.
回复 :电影《拳力以赴》视角独特,以拳击为主导线,讲述了男女主角冲破困境,坚持不懈,砥砺前行,各自攀上“巅峰“的故事。
回复 :鲁本和卡洛斯是狱中同窗。当鲁本还在努力摸清监狱生活中的条条框框之际,卡洛斯先是成为了他的领路人,而后终成为了他的情人。两人在狱中对彼此产生了难以名状的情感,然而在他们获遭释放后,问题也随之涌现??