回复 :电视动画《魔力女管家》由GAINAX与SHAFT联合制作,改编自中山文十郎原作、ぢたま(某)作画的同名漫画。动画于2001年10月5日起在BS-i首播,全12话,外加总集篇1话。剧情对应原作漫画的前3卷。
回复 :Bart's cartoon about an angry dad is turned into "Angry Dad: The Movie" and quickly becomes a critics' favorite. When Russell Brand presents the Golden Globe to Bart's film, Homer usurps the podium and gives his own acceptance speech. The film's winning streak continues with Homer taking credit at each ceremony, so when "Angry Dad" receives an Oscar nomination, Bart keeps it a secret. With the help of DJ Kwanzaa, Homer and Marge arrive at the ceremony just as Halle Berry presents the award. Bart's fellow nominee, Nick Park, helps him realize that creating a film is a team effort, and Bart gives credit where credit is due.
回复 :TV动画《美男高校地球防卫部LOVE》第二期制作决定!