回复 :明嘉庆年间,沿海一带倭寇横行,日本海盗首领与福建、浙江省沿海土豪及旁门左道邪派勾结,攻占白云庄,四处抢掠,青年武士樊振东率众抗拒,武林同同仇敌忾,纷纷响应……
回复 :姚七星(方中信 饰)和抽水强(森美 饰)被指派对付绑匪杀人王,经过一番激烈的枪战,杀人王重伤不治。临死前,愤怒的杀人王放出话来,说做鬼也不会放过姚七星。姚七星的血液里流淌着特殊的基因,身为家中老七,他竟然得到了能够看到鬼魂的阴阳眼。一次偶然中,姚七星看到了被杀人王所害的好友,好友告诉姚七星,杀人王将会在头七之日从阴曹地府回来找他报仇,这让姚七星感到十分害怕。上司Madam徐(梁敏仪 饰)派遣姚七星和抽水强前往七号差馆处理文件,在那里,姚七星遇见了灵异顾问喃呒炳(元华 饰),这位经验丰富的顾问成为了姚七星最后一根救命稻草。
回复 :This movie is a modern day version of The Prince And The Pauper where one man from a poor background ends up taking over another man's life from the entirely opposite end of the spectrum. Jamie Poulton - lead singer of tribute act 'Dive' - gets the opportunity to replace the iconic Donny Martin from the boy band group D5 with ever gripping twists and turns. This British film asks the question: could one man live in another man's shoes and actually get away with it!? Boyband D5's star-studded cast include hunky Luke White, DJ Tom Zanetti (who definitely has a helicopter at multiple times in the film), singers Jordi Whitworth and Shide Boss and TOWIE's Ricky Rayment, along with Eastenders beauty Danielle Harold as the leading lady, sizzling Jessica-Jane Stafford, Amar Adatia and a flurry of gorgeous models and exciting cameos from both the acting world and music industry. Written by Dead Ringer Movie