回复 :揭露墨西哥司法黑幕的纪录片:和渣男同居生子的14岁女孩突然失踪,女孩母亲苦苦追寻。最终渣男承认杀妻,但法庭竟然判无罪;母亲寻求社会支持,二审法院改判有罪但渣男已潜逃且加入贩毒集团。无法抓住渣男的母亲,只有在州政府外面居住抗议,某夜母亲被凶手当众杀害,替罪羊被抓住定罪。渣男最后死于帮派的枪战中。母亲的三重死亡应该是指:女儿的死亡(哭死)、一审无罪的判决(心死)、被枪杀于州政府门口(身死)。
回复 :Memorial Day, 1993. When 13-year-old Kyle Vogel discovers the World War II footlocker belonging to his grandfather, Bud, everyone tells Kyle to put it back. Luckily, he ignores them. Although Bud has never talked about the war, he finds himself striking a deal with his grandson: Kyle can pick any three souvenirs, and Bud will tell him the stories behind each one. Memorial Day not only takes us on a journey into Bud's complicated wartime past, but also into Kyle's wartime future. As the two men share parallel experiences in combat, they come to realize how that magical day on the porch shaped both of their lives.
回复 :1970年代末,在西北敕勒川牧场做了小半辈子牧马人的小学教师许灵均(朱时茂)一路风尘来到北京饭店,与30年未曾谋面的父亲、旅美华侨企业家许景由(刘琼)见面。当年,追求个人自由的许景由无法忍受与妻子的错误婚姻,丢下妻儿去了美国。此次归来,他有心带许灵均回美国继承事业。交谈中,许灵均不认为将自己融在集体中、时时以国家利益为重的行为是思想陈旧的表现,对于父亲的舒适生活,他并不艳羡。回顾自己几十年来所走的道路,虽有幼年成为弃儿、青年被打成右派下放牧场的悲惨经历,却也数次从牧区质朴、善良的乡民身上感受到人间温情,而在艰难岁月中与四川苦命女李秀芝(丛珊)结为夫妻后,许灵均更是尝到苦尽甘来的心酸与甜美。他认为,国家在好不容易迈过“文革”这个大坎之后,个人更应该同亲朋一起,不离不弃地跟着她走向新生。