回复 :In the nuclear ravaged wasteland of Earth 2087 water is as precious as life itself. The isolated Lost Wells outpost survived the holocaust and the inhabitants guard the source of their existence. Now an evil cult of renegades want control of their valuable water supply. And the villagers are no match for such brute military force. Only one man can help the stricken community - a mercenary living in a distant cannibal city. But even he, and his strange henchmen, may not be able to survive in the world gone wild.
回复 :偷车大盗爱丽丝出狱后,按母亲留下的录音带去寻找两个可能是她父亲的人。爱丽丝无意中偷走了黑帮装黑钱的车,被黑帮追杀。两个父亲带着女儿爱丽丝为摆脱追杀进行了一场场的激战,最终战胜了黑帮,并赢得了彼此之间真爱。
回复 :《雪中灰烬》讲述了一个16岁的女主人公丽娜·维尔卡斯在二战期间波罗的海地区斯大林的恐怖统治下与家人失散的凄美故事。莉娜是一个有抱负的艺术家,她冒着生命危险,用她的艺术秘密地给她被监禁的父亲发信息,让他知道她还活着。在漫长而痛苦的冬季旅程中,正是莉娜的画作和人类精神的力量让她和其他幸存者活了下来。