回复 :Three years after having survived the events of the first film, Michelle (Lexi Dripps) is now in college. However, she is still plagued with the questions of what truly happened after what she believes was only a ritualistic attack that killed all her friends.With the ban on Halloween lifted in her hometown, the sorority girls of Gamma Tau Psi place Michelle and her best friend Heather in charge of the annual haunted house. Unfortunately for Michelle some uninvited trick or treaters from her past come knocking…
回复 :戲子團是在全國散布謠言、動搖民心、左右輿論的一群人。全朝鮮最有勢力的大臣韓明澮,打算借助他們的力量,讓百姓知道,當今殺害姪子以篡奪王位的世祖,他能當上君王是上天的旨意,以正統身分名留青史。德浩是戲子團的首領,認為這是難得的機會,便答應了韓明澮的請求,完全沒有發現潛藏在背後的政治陰謀…
回复 :通过没有公开的过去未公开的影像和现在IU最真实的想法,以及最近看到IU的人的故事,与她二十多岁的年龄层之间的碎片见面。