回复 :SBS新周三周四剧《Sign》的演员阵容里,不仅有朴信阳,金雅中,殷志源,还有名牌配角安文姝,文天植,郑恩彪等。此外,《Sign》以一个寻找死因的法医学者为中心展开,增强了故事的新鲜感。《Sign》是韩国首部以验尸官为题材的电视剧,将以韩国国立科学搜查研究所为舞台,讲述法医们根据尸体上留下来的蛛丝马迹破解各种疑案的故事。朴信阳在 这部作品中饰演性格古怪还患有洁癖的韩国顶尖验尸官“尹志勋”,而金雅中则将饰演初出茅庐的新人验尸官“高多京”。此外全光烈、严智苑等演员也将出演。这部电视剧围绕国立科学稽查研究所和其周边的人物,以及尹志勋(朴信阳 饰),高多静(金雅中 饰),全宇镇(殷志源 饰)等三人展开。天才法医学者们通过发掘疑案中死者留下的线索,揭开不为人知的真相之谜,是一部医学稽查电视剧。
回复 :拆二代李大富一夜之间从城中村村民跃升为富豪阶层,但也带来新的苦恼----老爸勒令他找一个高学历高颜值的老婆来“改变家族基因”,实现从土豪到贵族的升级,但李大富无法判断潜在女友是否只是为房子而来,于是将房子低价出租,试图通过近距离的同租生活物色合适伴侣,由此阴差阳错引来了五个来自全国各地的90后。他们怀揣靠谱或不靠谱的梦想,一头扎进珠江新城,准备在此燃烧他们最美好的青春,上演“追梦者联盟”的动人故事。
回复 :The main story is set in a British Military Intelligence Office in Whitehall during 1956, where a small group of foreign affairs analysts find their quiet existence disrupted by the Suez Crisis. Ewan McGregor plays Mick Hopper, who is doing his national service as an interpreter of Russian documents. Bored with his job, Hopper spends his days creating fantasy daydreams that involve his work colleagues breaking into contemporary hit songs. Louise Germaine plays Sylvia Berry, the blonde wife of the violent Corporal Pete Berry (Douglas Henshall). Sylvia is an object of desire for Mick's fellow clerk Private Francis Francis and a middle-aged pipe-organist named Harold Atterbow (Roy Hudd). Unlike the street-wise Hopper, Francis is a clumsy Welsh intellectual whose academic career has been interrupted by his army call up. The appearance of the bookish niece of a seconded American officer enables the two conscripts to pair off with suitable partners, after initial mismatching. Some of the side themes include the influence of American rock and roll on English society, the gulf between the senior analysts, who are regular army officers, and the conscripted other ranks, the work of Russian playwright Chekhov, and the appreciation of opulent theatre pipe organs. The unusual context — a military culture transplanted into a civil service style office environment — reflects Potter's own national service during the 1950s. While this piece has the form of a romantic comedy, unlike the less conventional works of Dennis Potter's middle period, it is not without graphic sex and violence, as well as Potter's characteristic flashes of dreamlike imagery. The centrepiece of this production is the surreal musical sequence set to the song In a Persian Market.