回复 :柏林电影节特别展映21-year-old Cioma Schönhaus won't let anyone take away his zest for life, especially not the Nazis. He wants to discover life, but has the misfortune of living as a Jewish person in Berlin in the 1940s. Since the best hiding spots are in plain sight, Cioma decides to go out into the light to escape deportation. Using the identity of a marine officer he created for himself, he throws himself into the city's nightlife and even finds a fragile hope for love during the darkest moments of the war. Throughout the day he forges IDs with just a brush, some ink and a steady hand - and saves the lives of many others. His talent puts him in more and more danger, though, and at some point Cioma's only hope to survive is a last forged ID - with his own name on it.
回复 :林佳一(李小璐 饰)过着和父亲相依为命的生活,从小就生活在父亲无微不至的关心和保护下,林佳一性格任性而又天真,从来都不知道世间疾苦。眼看着林佳一即将变成一个不学无术的大小姐,父亲忍痛将女儿赶出家门,希望残酷的社会能够让林佳一获得历练。无处可去的林佳一在惹出了一连串的麻烦之后遇见了善良的快递员陈曦(张译 饰),陈曦一家人收留了林佳一。在陈曦的身上,林佳一看到了为了实现梦想而努力奋斗的快乐,领悟了唯有靠自己的双手获得的东西才有真正的价值。随着时间的推移,林佳一和陈曦之间亦产生了真挚的感情。然而,就在这个节骨眼上,林佳一的前男友黄在远(李智楠 饰)出现在了林佳一的面前。
回复 :讲述不同经历的五人因点心结缘,几经波折组成点心战队一路过关斩将,求取美食真经,最终问鼎美食巅峰的故事。