回复 :Jake De Long is one of the top computer programmers in the world. Hiding in an abandoned warehouse in Luxembourg, he is working on a secret website to be launched soon. As he does, he is warned that the police have discovered his whereabouts and are about to storm in. He manages to escape and fly back to Canada, where his colleague Valérie is waiting for him to get on with their life mission: the kidnapping of four very influential personalities. An oil tycoon, a renowned businessman, a minister of the environment and a very secretive foreign woman. The goal is to make them admit to their environmental sins, while being broadcasted live through a major website created by Jake and called: JUSTICE.NET.
回复 :日本战国时代随着德川家一统天下而落下帷幕。在战国乱世发挥了巨大作用的忍者集团,由于其潜在的威胁而遭到幕府的封杀。当是时,长野藩大旱连年,饿殍遍野,处于贫困破败的时刻。在之前的联络杳无音讯的情况下,长野藩的公主幸姬(森川葵 饰)只得亲自上路前往江户。公主一行经过某座大山,传言山中有某种可怕的妖怪,因此村民极力劝阻公主远离此山。然而本藩危难迫在眉睫,藩主又突然离世,公主一行只能铤而走险。他们入山没过多久,便遭到可怕怪物的袭击。关键时刻,随行的忍者传藏(藤冈靛 饰)搭救公主。危难的旅程就此开始,柔弱公主最终能否抵达江户?而逡巡在他们身边的怪物究竟是什么?
回复 :Two estranged brothers come together and discover old family secrets after inheriting their grandfather's property. As their friends start to go missing, they fear they are being stalked by a creature lurking in the shadows.