版播放A man unknowingly hires a psychotic instructor to teach his 10-year-old daughter how to swim.
版播放A man unknowingly hires a psychotic instructor to teach his 10-year-old daughter how to swim.
回复 :民初,某城镇龙山集上, 一群土豪各占地盘,当中以龙爷势力最庞大。龙爷手段狠辣,某夜,将一侦缉队长用乱棍打死,遗下孤女叶凤,凤誓为父报仇。混乱中,有一流氓健,其不惧势力,常与当地黑社会作敌。一日,凤之未婚夫范明抵达龙山集,奉命侦缉龙爷。惜事为龙爷手下查悉而暗藏杀机。一偶然时机,健与明不期而遇,遂为好友。龙爷命手下杀明,将其打至重伤后掉下深海。其更加害凤,幸健赶往救出,带往妓院交与胭脂红照顾。龙爷见计得逞,命雷虎召妓狂欢,凤得此消息,便跟至.酒醉之际,凤抽出利刀,企图行刺龙爷,不慎失手被击晕,胭脂红睹状,亦执刀援手,终亦丧生。健回妓院,获知一切后只身深入虎穴,将众恶霸一一除掉,自己亦负伤倒地。此时,范明率众员警而至,可惜来迟一步,知己早已牺牲……
回复 :讲述偶然生活在一个屋檐下的两人的恋爱以及与家人的关系的温馨爱情故事。
回复 :Two young London con artists, one British, one American, live as lonely bachelors in their secret hideout apartment thinking of new ways to financially fleece their victims. When they hire Georgie, their new secretary, they don't take into account the effect she will have on their hearts. A great British pop soundtrack and the resplendent Kate Beckinsale do wonders for this breezy entry.