回复 :eztv 历时两年拍摄的单板大电影《The Fourth Phase》再次聚焦单板届的标志人物Travis Rice和其它大神级滑手。本片也是继2011年的The Art of Flight和Thats it Thats all之后的又一部单板大作。
回复 :影《无枪》由国家新闻出版广电总局电影卫星频道出品、西藏自治区党委宣传部、北京三鸿门文化联合摄制。该片由张欣执导、主演周波,以纪实手法生动刻画了一名常年工作在西藏牧区,与当地牧民有着深厚感情的老警察的坚守和毅力,不畏牺牲与犯罪分子进行艰苦卓绝的斗争,最终将罪犯正法。
回复 :A hit and run of an 18 year old girl becomes the hub of a wheel that sets into motion many a spoke - a journalist , a raging mother, a cop and a system all caught in an ethical dilemma. Questions raised only to realise that truth is rarely pure and never simple.