回复 :This three part documentary series chronicles never before seen footage & stories of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s journey from rural Austria to the highest echelons of the American dream. In the series, there’s unprecedented access to the most candid interviews from Schwarzenegger, his friends, foes, co-stars and observers. We see many talk about his days pumping iron to his triumphs in Hollywood, all the way to his time governing the state of California. The joys and the turbulence of his family life are unveiled in a tale that matches his larger-than-life persona.
回复 :1979 年,莫斯科奧運前夕,蘇聯邊陲的哈薩克小鎮出現了一位以女性為目標的連續殺人犯,還是個食人魔,嚴重影響國家形象。實習警探薛爾與從小相依為命的姊姊蒂娜同住,初出茅廬就遇上這等大案,姊姊擔心不已。豈料警方順利抓到食人魔,精神病院卻關不住他,逃亡在外的殺人犯再次喚起鎮民的恐懼。
回复 :德怀特是个整日无所事事的流浪汉,他的父母多年前被一个名叫韦德·克里兰德的男人杀害。当德怀特得知韦德刑满释放的消息时,他的复仇行动开始了。然而,一切并不如计划得那么顺利,他不得不考虑如何保护自己的妹妹免受韦德的伤害。