:"Sinofuturism is an invisible movement. A spectre already embedded into a trillion industrial products, a billion individuals, and a million veiled narratives. It is a movement, not based on individuals, but on multiple overlapping flows. Flows of populations, of products, and of processes. Because Sinofuturism has arisen without conscious intention or authorship, it is often mistaken for contemporary China. But it is not. It is a science fiction that already exists.Sinofuturism is a video essay combining elements of science fiction, documentary melodrama, social realism, and Chinese cosmologies, in order to critique the present-day dilemmas of China and the people of its diaspora.With reference to Afrofuturism and Gulf Futurism, Sinofuturism presents a critical and playful approach to subverting cultural clichés.In Western media and Orientalist perceptions, China is exotic, strange, bizarre, kitsch, tacky, or cheap. In its domestic media, China portrayed as heroic, stable, historic, grand, and unified. Rather than counteract these skewed narratives, Sinofuturism proposes to push them much further.By embracing seven key stereotypes of Chinese society (Computing, Copying, Gaming, Studying, Addiction, Labour and Gambling), it shows how China's technological development can be seen as a form of Artificial Intelligence."
:前苏联时期,莫斯科某统计局女局长洛德尼拉·伯洛哥菲耶夫娜·卡卢金娜(Alisa Freyndlikh 饰)业务能力极强,事业为上,而形成鲜明对比的则是她的私人生活,爱情之花迟迟没有绽放。对于这个表情肃穆古板的上司,职员们背地里叫他“冷血动物”。相貌老成的统计员安里多勒· 耶里姆多维奇·诺瓦谢利采夫(Andrey Myagkov 饰)于青年时代便才华横溢,虽然独自辛勤抚养两个孩子,却为人乐观,颇受同事喜爱。对于“冷血动物”,诺瓦谢利采夫自命清高,不愿自贬身价求助卡卢金娜。而在卡卢金娜眼里,诺瓦谢利采夫唯唯诺诺,能力平庸,毫无闪光之处。适逢轻工业处处长职务从缺,诺瓦谢利采夫有心补位,却不得不面对这个难缠的“顶头天敌”。正所谓不是冤家不聚头,这样性格有着天壤之别的两人,奇妙的爱情竟在彼此心间萌生……