After a young private escaped from the military field, he unfortunately met a skillful lost ranger who then forced him to return to the mountain to help other rangers in the war.
After a young private escaped from the military field, he unfortunately met a skillful lost ranger who then forced him to return to the mountain to help other rangers in the war.
回复 :位于纽约的一栋红色公寓中,狗狗麦克(路易·C·K Louis C.K. 配音)陪伴它的主人凯蒂(艾丽·坎伯尔 Ellie Kemper 配音)过着平凡而幸福的生活。它不明白主人为什么每天早出晚归,总希望凯蒂能时时刻刻陪伴着它。这天傍晚,主人带回了一条身形庞大的狗狗杜老大(艾瑞克·斯通斯崔特 Eric Stonestreet 配音),顿时让麦克感觉如天塌了一般。它想办法撵走杜老大,而对方也用以牙还牙,你争我斗的过程中,两个小家伙遭到抓狗队的围捕。在此期间,它们邂逅了兔子小白(凯文·哈特 Kevin Hart 配音)率领的堕落宠帮,经历了史无前例的大冒险。另一方面,麦克的暗恋者啾啾则号召伙伴们,要将善良可亲的朋友救回来。主人不在家的时分,宠物们展开了惊心动魄的大作战……
回复 :Recently released ex con Patrick is unable to find a legitimate opportunity to get ahead and stumbles back into a life of crime when unpredictable Dolph, whom he owes for protection while in prison, pays him a visit. They begin a series of cons that involve seducing and kidnapping west LA trophy wives in order to extort money from their wealthy husbands. However, their latest victim Rebecca is not who she seems, threatening to ruin everything just when Patrick's had a change of heart and ready to call it quits.
回复 :农历七月,盂兰将近。街头巷尾阴风惨淡,鬼影幢幢,自是一番萧索凄凉景象。晦暗的小巷,走来了在大陆经商失败的宗华 (张家辉 饰),他被朋友骗的倾家荡产,更遭遇了人生苦痛的变故,所幸年事已高的父亲接纳了他。他的父亲啸天(林威 饰)是一家神功戏的班主,此时正组织团员们抓紧彩排准备为鬼神上演一年一度的大戏。谁知在开戏前啸天突然病倒,而没有任何经验的宗华临危受命成为代班主。他手忙脚乱,难以服众,多亏美丽花旦小燕 (刘心悠 饰)出手相助,二人似乎更借此生出好感。但是越临近演出的日子,诡异恐怖的事件便越多。叛逆的妹妹突然转性、小燕时冷时热、一闪而过的毁容女子、自己跳楼的身影。冤有头,债有主,所做何因受何果,纵逃到天涯海角奈若何……