回复 :爱伦坡、文森特·普莱斯、克里斯托弗李黄金组合,唯一的遗憾就是两个人对手戏太少了!伦敦发生了一起杀人事件,凶手竟然是已经死去的人?电影多线叙事节奏比较紧凑,结尾也有十分“普莱斯”的表演。电影缺点也有,除了几个穿帮镜头,主要还是VP跟Lee的对手戏太少!但喜欢两位演员的朋友必须得看这片,两个人单人戏份很足,何况能看一部是一部了。 (@拖延症字幕没有组)
回复 :After their teenage son is killed in a car crash, Paul (Andrew Sensenig) and Anne (Barbara Crampton) move to the quiet New England countryside to try to start a new life for themselves. But the grieving couple unknowingly becomes the prey of a family of vengeful spirits that reside in their new home, and before long they discover that the seemingly peaceful town they've moved into is hiding a terrifyingly dark secret. Now they must find a way to overcome their sorrow and fight back against both the living and dead as the malicious ghosts threaten to pull their souls - and the soul of their lost son - into hell with them. Written by Dark Sky Films
回复 :姚嘉伟(品冠 饰)和热衷于工作的陶晓琪(曾永醍 饰)是一对十分恩爱的情侣。晓琪为了工作极其投入,而且接下来即将调到纽约工作在精心筹备了求婚仪式后,两个人结伴前往马来西亚享受甜蜜的假期,这里正是他们当初相遇的地方。南国的天气说变就变,瓢泼大雨突然而至,此时夜幕降临,两人在路上搭载了受困的神秘美女美妍(韩宝凛 饰)。美妍有着宛如天人般的绝美容颜,但是她的周身又散发着极其阴冷的气息。他们的旅途仍在继续,旅途中接二连三发生意外状况。拥有悲惨过去的美妍,即将引领这对热恋中的男女走入恐怖的腥风血雨之中……