回复 :三十年代上海闸北区,两大黑帮“青龙帮”与“黑龙帮”势不两立,为争长短,各出奇谋。“青龙帮”首领川图巴结军阀以助声势,“黑龙帮”头目魂为挫川锐气,重金礼聘过气枭雄凌锋及其女儿凌若华(郑裕玲)设计令川出丑。川则纳浪子欧阳汉(周润发)于门下,使汉与华纠缠,令华分心。汉与华冤家路窄,华用尽办法捉弄川,均被汉一一化解。汉华相斗,引起巡捕萧六(吕良伟)注意,六嫌汉油头粉面,常借故为难,两人遂对立。川与六同恋上歌女韩梦蝶(姚炜),奈何蝶倾心于汉,川得悉后心生恨意。川派杀手对付锋华父女,锋因而丧命,华重伤但幸为六所救。川利用与警察局长之关系令六几陷于绝境,六后得汉暗中相助,化险为夷。华在养伤期间,对汉之为人更为了解,渐萌爱意。时日本派遣大佐来沪密谋活动。大佐原为蝶之生父,怂恿蝶向川进言,川不惜卖国求荣。六向汉晓以大义,汉亦对川的卑鄙行径齿冷,决与六连手对付川,一...
回复 :
回复 :The disappearance of Sir Julius Hanbury - and the theft of several of his erotic paintings - provide a new puzzle for Morse to solve. Assisted by DS Lewis, Morse interviews everyone at Hanbury House and it is in the course of searching the grounds that he finds Sir Julius' body, appropriately enough, in the family mausoleum. The pathologist notes that he was the victim of a frenzied attack but the lack of blood at scene leaves the police to conclude that he murdered elsewhere. Sir Julius was a candidate to become the Master of an Oxford college and was known to have a have had a bitter rivalry with another candidate for the position. When Roger Meadows, a friend of the Hanbury's au pair, is killed in a car accident, Morse concludes that that he too was murdered. Jealousy, revenge and greed all play part in the deaths.