回复 :It was the age of Da Vinci and Michelangelo, of enlightened creativity and unparalleled intellectual achievement. But it was also the age of Machievelli, of rampant lawlessness, incessant war and unspeakable depravity. At the heart of the world order was the Vatican, the arbiter of conflicts between kingdoms and empires. And at the center of the Vatican was a man whose quest for power would propel him to seek the ultimate prize, the holy see of Rome. He was a man whose name would become synonymous with ruthlessness, and whose reign as pope would be remembered as the most infamous chapter of the history of the Catholic church -Rodrigo Borgia. His four children -Juan, the oldest, a prideful, lazy, unscrupulous sexual predator, Cesare, a young man torn between a faith that was not his calling and his dark violent nature, Lucretia, a young girl discovering the secret power that a women's sexuality holds...
回复 :《扑克脸》是一部10集的“每周谜剧”,讲述的是娜塔莎·莱翁饰演的查理的故事。查理有一种非凡的能力,能判断别人是否在说谎。她与她的普利茅斯梭鱼上路,每一站都遇到新的角色和奇怪的罪行,她无法帮助解决。
回复 :2017年8月10日,Netflix宣布续订GLOW第二季,共10集