布里特·马灵主演,东方本季平行宇宙来了:东方马灵饰演的Prairie Johnson被Hap(詹森·艾萨克饰)俘获后,作为一名俄罗斯女继承人,试图穿越一个新的维度。新角色Karim Washington(金斯利·本-阿迪尔)是一个私人侦探,致力于寻找失踪的少女Michelle Vu(克洛伊·莱文饰),他最终和OA组队一起寻找少女,他们还将调查诺布山一所与几名青少年失踪有关的房子。
布里特·马灵主演,东方本季平行宇宙来了:东方马灵饰演的Prairie Johnson被Hap(詹森·艾萨克饰)俘获后,作为一名俄罗斯女继承人,试图穿越一个新的维度。新角色Karim Washington(金斯利·本-阿迪尔)是一个私人侦探,致力于寻找失踪的少女Michelle Vu(克洛伊·莱文饰),他最终和OA组队一起寻找少女,他们还将调查诺布山一所与几名青少年失踪有关的房子。
回复 :为HBO获奖无数的喜剧《副总统》第六季确定在美国时间4月16日首播。该剧第六季最值得期待的就是,继上一季季终集,我们的“副总统”赛琳娜在经历了重大的身份转变后,第六季将第一次成为无关“总统”无关政治的一季。而整个剧情也会朝着新的方向发展,而不再局限于白宫和华盛顿。
回复 :此剧讲述怀着复仇之心进入了监狱医务室的天才医生姜仁奎(高庚杓 饰)与阻止其杀人的医生高正勋(曹在显 饰)在生死岔路口发生的故事。
回复 :Jake Foley is a computer technician for the NSA who secretly longs for a chance to work on the field. Circumstance puts him in a top secret laboratory, in the middle of a shootout between security guards and a saboteur. During the battle, a vial containing an experimental serum explodes, covering Jake with shrapnel. But it turns out that the serum is actually nanomites, microscopic submachines that heal his injuries and alter his body. Upon discovering his new mind-boggling powers, Jake begins to operate at an atomic level, possessing superhuman strength, lightning-fast speed, heightened hearing, magnified vision and the ability to communicate telepathically with computers. The NSA soon realizes Jake is an untested asset and forms a Special Ops team with him at its core. As Jake finally realizes his dream of being of being a field operative, he must also contend with the return of would-be girlfriend Sarah Heywood, who is involved in a Congressional investigation which threatens to expose his operation.