《妻子的浪漫旅行6 PDvlog》,罗塞透过PD视角挖掘最真实最有趣的夫妇未播小花絮,哪一对是你心目中的最佳拍档?快来PDvlog里发现浪漫吧!
《妻子的浪漫旅行6 PDvlog》,罗塞透过PD视角挖掘最真实最有趣的夫妇未播小花絮,哪一对是你心目中的最佳拍档?快来PDvlog里发现浪漫吧!
回复 : 《健康脱口秀》,国内首档大型健康科普电视脱口秀节目,围绕“公共卫生、饮食健康、运动健康、职场健康”等主题展开角逐,在沉浸式的脱口秀舞台,“社交一米,爱的距离”“职场重灾区,身心要治愈”“一天一奶茶,医生奔向你”等,用健康的金句辟谣,探索科普新模式,帮助市民养成健康生活方式,进一步展现上海这座城市的海派情怀与城市品格。
回复 :National Geographic Channel tromps into the wild with blue-collar pioneers who shirked conventional 9-to-5 careers to make their living in the deep rivers, soggy mudflats and wild backwoods of America. Filthy Riches, a new series premiering Sunday, April 20, at 10:00 p.m. ET/PT, travels the country with industrious Americans who prove they're not afraid to roll up their sleeves and get their hands dirty in order to make a living. (Source: National Geographic Channel)
回复 : 聚焦于《声生不息·家年华》“五朵金花队”在节目中可爱活泼的日常。