回复 :二十世纪初,冀中平原民不聊生。地主冯兰池(葛存壮 饰)为霸占官产,砸钟毁证。农民朱老巩(崔嵬 饰)为民挺身,无奈抵不过强大的封建势力,气病身亡。幼子虎子(陈帆 饰)——朱老忠(崔嵬 饰)逃离家乡。25年后,正值壮年的朱老忠带领全家从关东返回家乡。深知盲目寻仇解决不了任何问 题。不久,他结识了地下党领导人贾湘农(鲁非 饰),并同严志和(蔡松龄 饰)、伍老拔(李建国 饰)等人一起走上革命道路。在朱老忠的带领下,他们在锁井镇和地主阶级展开了斗争。志和的长子运涛(赵联 饰)南下黄埔军校,参加了北伐战争。蒋介石背叛革命,运涛被捕入狱,革命陷入低潮。朱老忠带着江涛(赵万德 饰)去探望,从运涛那里知道了更深刻的革命道理。返乡后,他们串联锁井四十八村的农民,要在平原上卷起风暴......本片根据梁斌同名小说改编。
回复 :The first feature film from accomplished short filmmaker Kate Shenton, On Tender Hooks is a documentary film delving into the world of human suspension and the people involved. Kate spends a year following a different people and group of suspenders. Every Sunday they pierce themselves with hooks and hang in mid-air from rigs in a display that challenges the perceptions and squeamishness of even the most hardened. The film is a fly on the wall documentary showing how the ordinary human body can achieve extraordinary things. Beginning with groups in London, and then following events in Rico, Croatia and Oslo, Norway, the film depicts a wide variety of experience and opinions, and delves thoughtfully into a deeply misunderstood practice On Tender Hooks was a self-funded project filmed and edited by director Kate Shenton. Completed in 2012 it is an example of independent film-making at its purest. Written by Kate Shenton
回复 :In the suburban neighborhood of Mumbai, a wall separates the haves and the have-nots. Sudhir and Seema, a newly married middle class couple, live a life without hardship while Vishwas, a slum dweller, dreams of dignity for his people. Their lives collide as post nightfall the town fills up with ominous cries and moans that don't belong to people - they belong to zombies .