回复 :讲述一个墨西哥当地女导游和一场美丽的艳遇爱情故事!
回复 :医生楚乔发现自己捡回来的尸体,竟是何省长失踪的儿子。可为提高医术,他早已经把尸体开膛剖腹。为证明自己的清白,楚乔只好求助神通广大的小报记者聂冰,试图找到真正的凶手。在侦破的过程中,两人发现凶案线索直指十三红的班主红拂。而这起离奇的谋杀案背后,隐藏的竟是一段丑恶的权色交易!楚乔和聂冰本准备揭穿红拂的真面目,却意外发现她还有一个双胞胎姐妹红线。这对姐妹,一个好似邪恶的魔鬼,一个仿佛善良的天使,究竟谁才是真正的杀人凶手,结果已然浮出水面。
回复 :In San Francisco, the sportsman Kay Hoog tells to the members of a club that he has found a message in a bottle with a map from a Harvard's missing professor telling about a treasure of an Inca lost civilization still alive. He decides to go to Peru to seek the gold. However, members of the secret criminal organization "The Spiders" leaded by Lio Sha break in Kay's mansion during the night and steal the map. Kay Hoog travels to Peru, where he retrieves his map and a document about the Diamond Ship from The Spiders. Later he saves the Priestess of the Sun Naela and brings her to San Francisco. However, The Spiders kill Naela and Kay Hoog promises revenge for the death of his love