春暖The Chosen is a historical drama based on the life of Jesus and those who knew him. Set against the backdrop of Jewish oppression in first-century Israel, the series shares an authentic look at Jesus' revolutionary life and teachings.
春暖The Chosen is a historical drama based on the life of Jesus and those who knew him. Set against the backdrop of Jewish oppression in first-century Israel, the series shares an authentic look at Jesus' revolutionary life and teachings.
回复 :生活看似幸福美满的主妇苏漫发现丈夫邓文良的秘密,支离破碎的她诀别婚姻后重启人生的困境,却不想年轻男孩叶星闯入她的生活,而看似无辜的叶星竟与小三杨可馨也有不可言说的秘密。复仇者的角逐,谁才是最后赢家?
回复 :
回复 :90年代初期,一批自称“东北虎”、“西北狼”的不法分子,打着“南下支队”的旗号,在我国绵和的铁路客运线上行凶作恶。这批凶残狡猾的车匪路霸,作案突发性极强,借助现代化交通工具,逃离现场快,危害极大。其头目二盖子(高发饰),绰号“东北虎”,不仅心狠手辣,更善于化妆各种人物,属于高智商犯罪。歹徒的猖狂,引起我公安部、铁道部公安局的极大重视。为了维护共和国法律的尊严、保护广大旅客的生命财产安全,由铁道部公安局副局长李威(陈剑飞饰)亲自挂帅,率领铁路公安系统其余四位“五虎上将””——神枪手“枪神”、擅玩飞刀的“刀子”、防爆专家“闷雷”、公安散打女冠军“刺梅”,组成“铁鹰刑警队”,而领导对其成员唯一的要求,就是“不能挂彩、伤残,谁挂彩,谁离队”。铁鹰已经张开翅膀……