马老"The Amazing Race" celebrates travelling one million miles around the world when the 32nd race kicks off from Los Angeles.
马老"The Amazing Race" celebrates travelling one million miles around the world when the 32nd race kicks off from Los Angeles.
回复 :Heidi Klum and Tim Gunn welcome 10 designers to Los Angeles, CA where they arrive with their first assignment already complete -- a two-look collection representative of their brand statement. In a twist, the designers must interview with Vogue Business to promote their brand before hitting the runway. One gets the win while one designer is sent home before they can even unpack.by:2kyb.com
回复 :欢迎大家加入全美超模小站!!!http://site.douban.com/165095/由Tyra Bank主持的《America’s Next Top Model 全美超模大赛》迎来了它第12季,这批有望成为明日超模之星的女孩儿们年龄跨度从18岁到25岁不等,在Tyra Bank的调教下,她们将争夺由精英模特提供的价值10万的合同、成为《CoverGir l》杂志的封面女郎及多达6页的出镜机会。新一季的《全美超模大赛》将在3月4日拉开时尚序幕,由Jay Manuel担纲摄影总监,评审团维持上一季的阵容: Tyra Banks、Jay Alexander、Nigel Barker和Paulina Porizkova。
回复 : 男女生都原來都可以去閨密遊!蘇皓兒(Chloe)及陳安立(Brian)呢對好朋友相識多年,終於有機會約埋一齊閨密遊日本。呢兩個運動健將選擇唔揸車、唔坐火車,改用兩個碌探索日本和歌山、鳥取,帶大家踩盡當地鮮為人知的單車路徑,深入當地人的日常生活,熱血地揮灑汗水踩爆日本!學女神話齋:最美的風景是用自己雙腳踩出來的!