回复 :Documents the journeys of people trying to reach the safety of Britain and other countries in Europe. From families forced to flee war and persecution, to economic migrants searching for a more prosperous life, the series will feature the journeys of over 70 people filmed in 26 countries. Keo gave cameraphones to migrants so they could capture some of the most perilous parts of their journeys that couldn’t otherwise be filmed, resulting in a series which offers a unique and extremely personal insight into the largest period of migration in Europe since the Second World War.
回复 :电影投资发行公司NEW透露,将以明年上半年播出为目标,投入制作电视剧《邻家律师赵德浩2》。据NEW方面透露,此前曾出演过《邻家律师赵德浩》的演员朴新阳将继续担任主演。对于姜素拉、柳秀荣、朴帅眉等其他演员是否出演的问题,相关人员表示:“目前,除朴新阳外,其他角色的演员还未确定。另外,电视剧《邻家律师赵德浩》改编自同名网络小说,讲述的是大有前途的出色律师因内部举报检察机关不正之风,瞬间失去一切跌入无尽深渊,进而展开第二人生的故事。该剧于今年3月播出,凭借贴近民众生活的题材与演员们的出色演技,受到了大众的支持与喜爱。
回复 :该剧翻拍自全智贤和金秀贤主演的同名热门韩剧,讲述以教授身份在地球生活的外星人都敏俊与颇受人诟病的国民偶像千颂伊之间的浪漫爱情故事。