回复 :唐氏症患者小維,誤以為援交女孩小藍如同他最愛的繪本主角一樣,是從海裡出現的美人魚,對小藍產生了特殊的情愫,在因緣際會下兩個截然不同的生命有了交集,互相守護關心的溫暖故事。
回复 :本片讲述了一段跨越性别、跨越物种的爱情故事。因为父母离婚,川内洲(梶裕贵 配音)自小与祖父一起生活。祖父去世那天,他一个人跑到海边哭泣,一不小心失足落水。洲被一个迷之美男子救了起来,却发现对方是一条人鱼!洲把人鱼带回家,还帮他改名为“ISAKI”(绿川光 配音)。因为与人 鱼 朝夕相处,曾经寂寞悲伤的洲渐渐地开朗起来,跟学校同学的关系也亲密起来。不久后,随着文化祭的临近,洲的学校生活越发忙碌充实起来。常常独自一人在家守候的人鱼伊佐木,觉得洲已经不再需要自己了。一天夜里,当洲回到家中,他发现人鱼不见了……
回复 :Catherine Bomarzini (Sherilyn Fenn), travels back to her family castle in Italy after her father's death. Overwhelmed with excitement, Catherine invites her best friend Gina (Charlie Spradling) to spend the weekend. Gina and Catherine discover a local carnival outside the castle gates. Curious they wander to the carnival to enjoy the show and acts. Pleased with the performance, Gina invites the head magician Lawerence (Malcom Jamieson) and his crew to the castle for dinner. Drugged and seduced, Catherine finds herself drawn into a mysterious love triangle with the handsome magician and a creature of the night whose gentle eyes and touch reveal his infinite love. Is this creature real or an illusion? Guided by the ghost of a slain ancestor and the advice of the castle caretaker Martha (Hilary Mason), Catherine discovers the ancient curse that enshrouds the Bomarzini Castle... a curse that only she can dispel.