回复 :小倉由菜×架乃ゆらによるロマンチックファンタジー映画!ファンタジックコメディー映画界の奇才鳴瀬聖人による初商業監督作!ヒロインに国内外で人気を誇る小倉由菜!主人公に今後の日本映画界を担うアベラヒデノブ!主人公を翻弄するもう1人のヒロインに恵比寿マスカッツでも活躍中の架乃ゆら!
回复 :A mysterious man (Malcolm McDowell) comes to meet a woman living in a house in the woods. Who are they and why are their lives meant to cross? What kind of fate is in store for them?
回复 :“Four respected presenters and a camera crew attempt to discover the truth behind 'The most haunted house in Britain', expecting a light-hearted scare or two and probably the uncovering of a hoax. They think they are in control of the situation. They think they are safe. The viewers settle down and decide to watch 'for a laugh'. ”