鹊桥The devil, following in the footsteps of Christ, decides to become flesh and take a stroll around Earth to see how humans have progressed, and have a little fun creating havoc and mayhem in the process.
鹊桥The devil, following in the footsteps of Christ, decides to become flesh and take a stroll around Earth to see how humans have progressed, and have a little fun creating havoc and mayhem in the process.
回复 :Emanuelle goes undercover into a prison to expose the corrupted officials who are brutalizing the inmates. Emanuelle is shocked by the horrors and humiliation the prisoners are subjected to, but when her true identity is discovered, she finds herself at the receiving end.
回复 :特工布莱恩(利亚姆·尼森 饰)深爱着女儿凯姆(麦琪·格雷斯饰),却由于工作的原因难以给予她日常的父爱,失望的妻子带着女儿改嫁他人。退休后,见识过太多黑暗势力的布莱恩生怕女儿受到伤害,费尽心力的守护她却也因此带给凯姆种种束缚,引发了父女间的矛盾。17岁生日后,凯姆执意和朋友前往巴黎旅行,无奈的布莱恩只好答应,不成想灾难正等着年轻的凯姆。在电话里亲耳听到女儿被绑架后,布莱恩强忍内心的痛苦只身踏上了营救女儿的征程,而他只有96个小时。©豆瓣
回复 :平凡的高三男孩叶山鹰志(村上虹郎 饰)在晚归的路上撞到了美丽的女孩织部梓(早见明里 饰)。对方天使般的容颜让鹰志内心一动,从此便迷上了对方。再度相逢后,女孩仿佛旧相识一般有说有笑,他们的交往顺理成章地展开。不过令鹰志感觉不可思议的是,梓的同班同学声称班上从来没有这么一位同学。事后从梓的口中,他听到了一个令人震惊的事实,那就是所有遇到梓的人,都会慢慢失去对她的记忆。鹰志对此难以置信,同时坚定地发誓自己永远不会忘了梓。沉浸在爱河中的两人,谁曾想竟会如此快地到达彼岸。梓发现了鹰志异样和勉强,才明白事件没有什么能够称得上永远……本片根据平山瑞穗的原著小说改编。