回复 :"Sinofuturism is an invisible movement. A spectre already embedded into a trillion industrial products, a billion individuals, and a million veiled narratives. It is a movement, not based on individuals, but on multiple overlapping flows. Flows of populations, of products, and of processes. Because Sinofuturism has arisen without conscious intention or authorship, it is often mistaken for contemporary China. But it is not. It is a science fiction that already exists.Sinofuturism is a video essay combining elements of science fiction, documentary melodrama, social realism, and Chinese cosmologies, in order to critique the present-day dilemmas of China and the people of its diaspora.With reference to Afrofuturism and Gulf Futurism, Sinofuturism presents a critical and playful approach to subverting cultural clichés.In Western media and Orientalist perceptions, China is exotic, strange, bizarre, kitsch, tacky, or cheap. In its domestic media, China portrayed as heroic, stable, historic, grand, and unified. Rather than counteract these skewed narratives, Sinofuturism proposes to push them much further.By embracing seven key stereotypes of Chinese society (Computing, Copying, Gaming, Studying, Addiction, Labour and Gambling), it shows how China's technological development can be seen as a form of Artificial Intelligence."
回复 :丧尸病毒大爆发之后,一位受到病毒感染的父亲为了给刚刚降生的女儿找个新家而奔走在澳大利亚的荒野中,他还要保护女儿不因自己人性的渐渐退失而受到伤害。主演:马丁·弗瑞曼编剧:约兰达·拉姆克导演:约兰达·拉姆克、本·豪林制片:萨曼莎·詹宁斯、克里斯蒂娜·赛顿、罗素·阿克曼、约翰·舍恩菲尔德和马克·帕特森
回复 :澳门赌场的老板刚刚去世,对头况小姐(何超仪 饰)突然前来挑衅,幸好代掌柜卓一(刘青云 饰)及时赶到,才化险为夷。原来,赌场太子张人杰(古天乐 饰)远在加拿大,赌场生意遵遗嘱由卓一打理。在卓一的安排下,张人杰千里迢迢回来奔丧,但各位股东均感到这个小伙子缺乏经验。在跟卓一的单挑中,张人杰更是屡遭戏弄。张人杰整天沉迷网络扑克,结识了一个牌友(应采儿 饰)。二人相约在扑克邀请赛相会。虽然在刻意安排下,二人同桌,但是由于张人杰缺乏实战经验,所以屡尝败绩。在众人嘲笑声中,黯然离场。在张人杰一蹶不振的时候,他遇到了命中贵人——笑容(邓丽欣 饰)。在她的帮助下,他恢复了信心,不但扑克技艺大涨,两人也日久生情,但是他们的命运此时却发生了改变……