一个看门人的女儿,免费年轻貌美的吉安娜姑娘渴望加入警察队伍,做一个她向往的女警…… 这时候正好有一个贩毒案发生……
一个看门人的女儿,免费年轻貌美的吉安娜姑娘渴望加入警察队伍,做一个她向往的女警…… 这时候正好有一个贩毒案发生……
回复 :Pierre is a shy man whose sole focus in life is studying astrology in solitude, which is often difficult since he still lives at and studies in his parent's house. His parent's would rather he date and get married. He takes on this task with verve. Not knowing how to approach women in a romantic way, he watches how other men operate and tries to emulate them, most often without success. He ends up attracting the one woman he doesn't really want, a fun loving woman named Laurence who lives next door, but he becomes obsessed with Stella, a singer he sees on television. He believes her love song is being sung directly to him. As Pierre tries to get away from Laurence while pursuing Stella, he may miss the perfect match who may be right under his nose. Written by Huggo
回复 :某香港科技大亨的女儿失踪,Breslin发现罪犯是自己一个老对手的疯狂儿子,他还绑架了Breslin的爱人Abigail,并把她关在名为“恶魔车站”的巨大监狱里。 Breslin将和自己的团队硬闯虎穴,试图劫狱。
回复 :陈文俊(洪金宝 饰)和张定其(张学友 饰)只是警队中的无名小卒,却在机缘巧合之下被指派到神探(姜大卫 饰)手下助其侦破“千面人”之案。没想到,一场意外中神探不幸丧生,可是,心愿未了的他显然不愿就此归去,而是化为冤魂,缠上了陈文俊和张定其两人,要他们破案为自己报仇。神探威胁陈文俊,若不帮他报仇,就要破坏他和女友乔娜(王祖贤 饰)之间的姻缘。经不住神探的死缠烂打和卑鄙威胁,个性胆小怕事的陈文俊只能答应下来。就这样,陈文俊和张定其开始了对案件的追查,在神探的暗中帮助下,他们最终将罪犯捉拿归案,陈文俊和乔娜亦有情人终成眷属。