大叔In New York City, potent strands of bath salts have surfaced and have attracted the most devoted bath salt junkies. A young aspiring chemist has developed an even stronger batch... but something has gone horribly wrong.
大叔In New York City, potent strands of bath salts have surfaced and have attracted the most devoted bath salt junkies. A young aspiring chemist has developed an even stronger batch... but something has gone horribly wrong.
回复 :外公从养老院里逃走了!闻讯前往的母亲和男孩,却在养老院旁的偏僻郊外遭遇了变成殭尸的老人们!惊险的躲避殭尸之旅,与外公患病后被家人抛弃的回忆交织在一起,愧疚不安的男孩,最终会如何面对他变成殭尸的外公呢?
回复 :服装设计师约翰,长相英俊帅气,但在帅气的脸相下却有着阴暗的心理!由于不满于妻子与其一起生活,约翰开始四处寻找对象!可是,他找对象的原因并不是爱,而是将她们挥霍于自己的砍刀下,帮助自己找出儿时的痛苦记忆!而此时,他的妻子却恐怖地一直“徘徊”在他的生活中。同时,警察也开始调查被杀女子案件,约翰就是最大的怀疑对象!
回复 :Remake of the 1982 slasher classic Slumber Party Massacre.