回复 :Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out focuses on Hana Uzaki, who meets her high school friend and senpai, Shinichi Sakurai. Having observed his actions for some time, Uzaki comes to the conclusion that her beloved senpai has started to act like a grumpy old man and that he hardly has any friends moxia.cc because of that. Hana, without giving it a thought, immediately decides to fix this unjust cruelty and to hang out with a lonely senpai of hers.
回复 :ついに感動のフィナーレ! ! !愛と感動のアットホーム・ラブコメ、最後まで見届けよ!
回复 :“我和她相遇了……,和虽然可爱却很‘奇怪’的学姐!” 非常喜欢变戏法,却因为怯场而导致失败率100%!? 被这样的“学姐”强行要求加入魔术部,结果还被当成“助手”使唤……。 把街头艺人姐弟“阿咲”和“阿正”以及化学部的“斑”都给卷入其中, 学姐今天也精神满满、稍微带些色气地大失败! 画面太美不敢看但还是想看的笨拙戏法搞笑动画!