回复 :A visionary, innovator, and originator who defied categorization and embodied the word cool: a foray into the life and career of musical and cultural icon Miles Davis.
回复 :Special FeaturesAudio Commentaries on Each FilmAll-New Three-Part Documentary, Sleepless Nights: Revisiting The Slumber Party MassacresPhoto and Poster Still GalleryTheatrical TrailersEditorial ReviewsAll Three Films In One Collection With New Bonus FeaturesWhen Trish (Michelle Michaels) decides to invite her high school girls basketball teammates over for a slumber party, she has no idea the night will be ruined by an escaped mental patient with a portable drill in the cult classic The Slumber Party Massacre.The only sane survivor of the first incident, Courtney (Crystal Bernard), dreams of the driller killer returning in the first sequel, Slumber Party Massacre II. She cannot help shake the feeling that she and her friends will be viciously tormented by the killer. Her nightmare becomes reality when the killer returns, reincarnated as an evil rocker with a deadly guitar.After a relaxing day at the beach, a group of teens decide to have a slumber party. Their boyfriends predictably show up to scare them, but there is something much scarier lurking in the shadows as the group starts getting attacked by an unknown killer in the second, and last, installment, Slumber Party Massacre III.
回复 :正是抗日战争的关键时期,东北抗联某部连长魏得胜(赵尔康 饰)随军穿梭在崇山峻岭之中。正是严冬飘雪时节,战士们不仅要忍受严寒的折磨,还要应对日本鬼子随时到来的袭击。在一次遭遇战中,魏得胜因掩护战友而被敌军抓获。抓捕他的伪军良心发现,助其逃亡。负有枪伤的魏忍着剧痛追赶队伍,一晃一个月时间过去。他偶然遇到当初掉队的战友以及一群淘金客。爽朗正直的淘金客头领齐大爷将魏留在身边,更帮助他弄到宝贵的通行证。在此之后,魏几经辗转,历经苦难,甚至还从齐大爷的女儿玉贞(斯琴高娃 饰)那里收获了可贵的爱情,但是他始终挂念部队大家庭,归心似箭……