头文Former Buffalo Soldier Mo Washington travels West to lay claim on a gold mine. After her stagecoach is ambushed, Mo is tasked with holding a dangerous outlaw captive and must survive the day when the bandit's gang tries to free him.
头文Former Buffalo Soldier Mo Washington travels West to lay claim on a gold mine. After her stagecoach is ambushed, Mo is tasked with holding a dangerous outlaw captive and must survive the day when the bandit's gang tries to free him.
回复 :Follows a pair of siblings who love but distrust each other as they embark on a white-water rafting trip with a small group. One of their friends from childhood turns out to be more dangerous than he appears.
回复 :福贡县匹河怒族乡沙瓦村坐落在怒江大峡谷碧罗雪山深处,位于中国最贫困的“三区三州”之一云南怒江傈僳族自治州。这里交通极为不便,村里能通行的只有一条小山路,肩背人扛是唯一的交通方式,世世代代极为贫苦。“想要一条路”,是以邓阿言为代表的当地村民共同的心声。影片以沙瓦村民们的故事为主线,讲述了这个古老的村庄在扶贫大背景下经过4年、1000多个日夜 “一步跨越千年”的命运变迁史,是一部浓缩的中国减贫影像志。
回复 :憋了巴屈的男主陈大器怀揣祖传古董,阴差阳错的来到大城市里的一个洗浴中心。没想到在这个晚上,破马张飞的糊涂兄弟、贼拉尿性的老大龙哥、吊儿郎当的街头混混,几伙人都各自怀着秘密汇聚在洗浴中心。这些生活中的小角色们阴差阳错、狭路相逢,惹出一场荒诞好戏。