回复 :《甘南情歌》描写了一位来自杭州的医科大学毕业生万鹏,克服南国都市与偏远藏地、理想与现实的巨大反差,靠着治病救人的医者良心,靠着对藏区发展医疗事业迫切性的亲身感受,特别是来自美丽善良的藏族姑娘德吉卓尕的真爱,使他选择扎根、坚守,最终收获了刻骨铭心的爱情和事业的成功。
回复 :“We do know that our job is not ‘normal’, as much as the one of those working in the so-called acrobatic construction. But this does not mean that those who do sex work should be stigmatized and not considered serious enough. It’s just a different life choice, but equally dignified and valid.” Through the real life of Pandina and Pandone, Radiopornopanda explores the world of paid online couple shows. The journey of a couple who have made this type of expression their professional activity, told through the voyeuristic gaze of the director.
回复 :故事发生在公元945年,特使庞存义去中原诸国议和,后返回长乐府进行闽国祭祀大殿。不料南唐刺客乘机潜入长乐府大开杀戒,一夜之间,闽国灭亡。危急时刻庞存义被采茶少女茉季所救。失去记忆的庞存义化名“无名”,与茶商店员阿久、赤脚大夫麻十相识并结为兄弟。零星记忆时而闪现在“无名“脑海中。一日茉季被青雀仙子掳走,三人为救茉季被迫上路。途经幽冥山谷时阿久离奇失踪,后遇武林恶霸南唐双魔。因麻十使诈,解救了被南唐双魔绑架的闽国后裔,后三人一同寻找消失的阿久及被掳走的茉季的下落。充满沼气的密室、消失已久的鱼皮灯烛、神秘的守墓狼人,身份可疑的青雀仙子。未知的道路迷雾重重,神秘的甬道机关凶险。