回复 :Poet Simon Armitage traces the evolution of the Arthurian legend through the literature of the medieval age and reveals that King Arthur is not the great national hero he is usually considered to be. He's a fickle and transitory character who was appropriated by the Normans to justify their conquest, he was cuckolded when French writers began adapting the story and it took Thomas Malory's masterpiece of English literature, Le Mort d'Arthur, to restore dignity and reclaim him as the national hero we know today.
回复 :真道幸路朗是在外务省工作的干练交涉官。在羽田机场,真道所乘坐的客机正准备起飞时,空中出现了神秘的巨大立方体。“那个东西”急速地巨大化,并吞噬了载有252人的客机。巨大立方体的名字是“卡多”。从卡多当中现身的神秘存在亚哈库依·扎修尼纳,试图与人类进行接触。被卡多吸收的真道,接受了亚哈库依·扎修尼纳与人类之间的调停任务。另一方面,日本政府也将国际交涉官徭沙罗花作为代表送往现场。亚哈库依·扎修尼纳究竟是什么人?而他的目标又是什么?
回复 :世界第一的暗杀者投胎成暗杀世家的长男重生了。 他在异世界接下的任务只有一项──「杀了被预言会带给人类灾厄的『勇者』」。 为完成这项 高贵任务,暗杀者带著美丽的随从们于异世界暗中活动。 在现代曾让万般暗杀方式变得可行的广泛知识及经验, 还有暗杀者家族被誉为异世界最强的秘术与魔法。 一切都相辅相成,使他逐步成为史上无人能及的暗杀者──