回复 :2002年,多所大学激烈抗议劳动法的出台。期间,一位法官遭到谋杀,重新揭开了意大利和法国的政治伤疤。马尔科曾是一位极左派运动分子,因谋杀而被判刑,他得以前往法国避难。但是,意大利政府怀疑马尔科是此次谋杀的策划者,要求法国对他实施引渡。为了躲避抓捕,他和16岁的女儿维奥拉走上逃亡之路,在意大利的家人也不得不为他过去犯下的错误付出代价。
回复 :三十年代上海黑帮之间的腥风血雨:聂飞和仇枫两个不到15岁的男孩在偷渡去上海的火车上,正在预算在上海要怎么样才能赚到钱,突然,冲过来一批打架的人将聂飞伤了,一位名叫龙爷的人看见了,决定要照顾他们两个,很快的两人长大成人,被龙爷派出看场子,一位国外的人调戏良家妇女不成,骂中人是黄皮狗,被聂飞和仇枫听到了,两人非常生气,拔出这个国外人腰里的枪。
回复 :克里斯与西塞莉是一对年轻的爱人,一个是国际记者,一个是剧场演员,他们挣扎于要兼顾爱情还是要冲刺事业中,爱得很深,又非常骄傲,两个常年分居,独自生活……(by波迪与鹅)In New York, the rookie newsman Christopher "Chris" Tyler dreams on becoming a famous journalist. When his girlfriend Cicely spends a couple of days with him, they decide to get married and Cicely leaves college. Chris's best friend Tommy Abbott is his best man and becomes a family's friend. Chris has his great chance when his editor Frank Carteret sends him to Rome assigned as a foreign correspondent. Cicely stays in New York with Tommy and does not tell to Chris that she is pregnant. When she delivers the baby Kit, Chris celebrates and loses a big scoop and his boss fires him. Chris falls in disgrace and the couple has economic difficulties; however Tommy lends money to Cicely and offers an opportunity on the stage as an actress. Cicely is hired and becomes successful and Chris is depressed with the situation. Cicely seeks out Frank Carteret and explains the situation, and he offers a job opportunity to Chris in Russia. He accepts the job but Cicely stays in New York with their son....