日本An immensely powerful and nuanced portrayal of a family torn apart over a little Muslim boy's future.
日本An immensely powerful and nuanced portrayal of a family torn apart over a little Muslim boy's future.
回复 :A portrait of a man who analyses his life on his 44th birthday. The past and the present, the actual and potential developments blend in a dreamy vision. "The protagonist seems to assume that travelling in time is possible, and things happen in an imaginary, invented time which he fittingly adjusts and changes", said Konwicki in the Film Press News 1/1972. The film is a formally complex analysis of what is commonly referred to as the Polish fate. Awards: 1972 - The Warsaw Mermaid of the Film Critics' Club at the Polish Journalists' Association in the feature film category; Special Jury Award at the Lubuskie Film Summer in Lagow; 1973 - Special Award for Screenplay at the San Remo Film Festival.
回复 :寅次郎(渥美清 饰)在一次偶然中遇见了一位老人(铃木光枝 饰),经过交谈寅次郎得知,老人的孩子搬到了东京生活,留下她一个人孤零零的守在老家。善良的寅次郎决定和老人一起回家,并且陪她聊天解闷。第二天,一位医生拜访了老人,寅次郎这才知道原来老人生病了,而她宁愿守在家里忍受病痛,也不愿意孤独的在医院里接受治疗。负责老人病情的医生名叫真知子(三田佳子 饰),实际上,她有着和老人差不多的经历。真知子的丈夫在早先年登山的时候不幸丧生,而一双儿女一个在异地念大学,另一个寄养在母亲家中。真知子的工作非常的繁忙,根本无暇照顾年幼的儿子,久而久之,孩子对母亲有了误解。
回复 :经历了许多危险的旅程,在时空中与最可怕的怪物对决后,第十三任博士终于迎来了她最后的冒险,对抗她最致命的敌人: 戴立克、赛博人和她的宿敌——法师。是谁在一个遥远的星系边缘攻击一辆高速行驶的列车?为什么地震学家从21世纪的地球上纷纷消失?那些失踪的世界名画究竟下落何在?为什么一个戴立克要主动和博士联系?在1916年的俄罗斯,妖僧拉斯普廷和沙皇尼古拉斯之间究竟发生了什么不为人知的故事?一重重威胁在博士面前展现,面对这场生死之战,她将何去何从……