回复 :It was the age of Da Vinci and Michelangelo, of enlightened creativity and unparalleled intellectual achievement. But it was also the age of Machievelli, of rampant lawlessness, incessant war and unspeakable depravity. At the heart of the world order was the Vatican, the arbiter of conflicts between kingdoms and empires. And at the center of the Vatican was a man whose quest for power would propel him to seek the ultimate prize, the holy see of Rome. He was a man whose name would become synonymous with ruthlessness, and whose reign as pope would be remembered as the most infamous chapter of the history of the Catholic church -Rodrigo Borgia. His four children -Juan, the oldest, a prideful, lazy, unscrupulous sexual predator, Cesare, a young man torn between a faith that was not his calling and his dark violent nature, Lucretia, a young girl discovering the secret power that a women's sexuality holds...
回复 :故事以爱慕着校园女神「苇月伊织」的平凡高中男生「濑户一贵」为主视角展开——暗恋伊织的一贵总是在脑中进行各种工口妄想,表面上却对伊织很冷淡,在一次契机下两人终于消除误会,彼此的距离逐渐靠近……
回复 :专题片选取“百名红通人员”杨秀珠、乔建军、许超凡等15个案例,摄制组赴美国、英国、新西兰、肯尼亚、格林纳达、柬埔寨等17个国家和地区实地拍摄,采访有关国家外交部长、警察总监与国际组织官员等30余人,讲述了国际追逃追赃背后鲜为人知的故事。