破解While Ecklie fights for his life after his shooting, Russell's patience begins to wear thin as the team tries to get to his kidnapped granddaughter before she is killed.
破解While Ecklie fights for his life after his shooting, Russell's patience begins to wear thin as the team tries to get to his kidnapped granddaughter before she is killed.
回复 :单身汉布莱恩·狄克逊(杰米·福克斯饰)是一位成功的商人,并在不久前成为了一位全职父亲,专心照顾十几岁的女儿萨莎(凯拉-德鲁饰)。布莱恩决定尽其所能当一位好爸爸,他需要老爸(大卫·艾兰·格里尔饰)和姐姐(宝时捷·科尔曼饰)的全力帮助,而萨莎也需要所有人的帮助,以适应这个充满爱但状况百出的新环境。温情幽默的《爸爸好尴尬!》灵感源于福克斯与女儿科琳·福克斯的真实关系,科琳·福克斯也将担任监制。这部多镜头情景喜剧让福克斯和剧集主管本特利·凯尔·埃文斯(《The Jamie Foxx Show》)再度联手,此外肯·惠廷汉(《喜新不厌旧》)担任导演。
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