回复 :In Series five, Ben and Susan are enjoying some new-found tranquility, Nick has moved into his own flat, Janey is at university and Abi is usually out at evening class. Naturally the peace is not to last! Janey comes back home with baby Kenzo and Michael has been "born again" and is holding Bible study sessions in the living room. With Ben's famous dental patients, Susan's election ambitions and an unheathly obsession with Inspector Morse – not to mention the unlikely perils of house-sitting in a luxury modern apartment – domestic life is soon to be back to normal. So when Ben and Susan start being nice to each other it's no wonder Abi's suspicious; they could not be getting a divorce could they?
回复 :故事描述未解决案件专门部门—警视厅特命搜查对策室,透过文书搜查官一文一武的搭档对案件档案上文字解读来破案。
回复 :此剧讲述怀着复仇之心进入了监狱医务室的天才医生姜仁奎(高庚杓 饰)与阻止其杀人的医生高正勋(曹在显 饰)在生死岔路口发生的故事。