《小满奇遇记》节目以“中国节气”哲思为核心创意的中国首档沉浸式山水新国风演艺秀,熟女视频区并以“Z 世代”青年群体最期待的元宇宙中古今对话的形式,熟女视频区深耕有着“中国古代第五大发明”之称的节气文化,力图在最能代表节气的中国最美自然山水间,带给观众一场人与自然和谐互通的视听盛宴。
《小满奇遇记》节目以“中国节气”哲思为核心创意的中国首档沉浸式山水新国风演艺秀,熟女视频区并以“Z 世代”青年群体最期待的元宇宙中古今对话的形式,熟女视频区深耕有着“中国古代第五大发明”之称的节气文化,力图在最能代表节气的中国最美自然山水间,带给观众一场人与自然和谐互通的视听盛宴。
回复 :Kara, devastated by loss of Krypton struggles to adjust her new life on Earth. Superman mentors her. Meanwhile, she must contend with a mysterious group called the Dark Circle who searches for a powerful weapon held in the Academy's vault.
回复 :A festive holiday special, hosted by Tituss Burgess, featuring teams from around the world transported to a magical snowy village, Snowdome, and thrown into a spirited competition to compete for the title of Best in Snow. With the help of Snowdome's finest carvers, teams will transform their 10-foot, 20-ton blocks of snow into beautiful creations inspired by Pixar, Marvel, Walt Disney Animation, Walt Disney Studios and The Muppets Studio. The teams will take family favorites such as Moana, Coco and The Lion King, and bring the characters to life in a way you've never seen before in snow. Spectacular snow sculptures and lively musical performances from Tituss Burgess, Kermit the Frog and DCappella make this an action-packed winter event for the entire family.
回复 :和风吹拂的美丽大地·阿斯特雷亚大陆。在大陆的一角,失去记忆的少年·佑树醒了过来。照顾他的小小向导·可可萝。总是肚子空空的美少女剑士·佩可莉露。略显高冷的猫耳魔法少女·凯露。他们就这么在命运引导下,建立起名为「美食殿」的公会。现在,佑树与她们的冒险即将开幕——