季节A reclusive programmer, his sister and her new boyfriend are held hostage by a rapidly evolving computer virus.
季节A reclusive programmer, his sister and her new boyfriend are held hostage by a rapidly evolving computer virus.
回复 :方腊一战,梁山被朝廷出卖,大败。侥幸活下来的史进隐姓埋名于小城,认识了一身热血的铁云。铁云钟情于妓馆阿如,为了帮阿如赎身,得罪了当地的黑帮组织恒沙帮,史进为救铁云,更为剿灭黑势力,与当地官府同归于尽。
回复 :纪录片依托中国百年考古的丰硕成果,以纵向时间为线索,追溯中华文明的根基、发源与早期形成和发展。由中国考古学泰斗严文明担任学术总顾问,近百位中国考古学家组成顾问专家团,透过历史的长镜头,探寻中华民族和中华文明多元一体、家国一体的形成、发展过程。纪录片8集以《摇篮》《星斗》《古国》《择中》《殷商》《家国》《天下》《秦汉》为题,从旧、新石器之交开始,见证中国大地的人们走向农业定居社会,建立美学和信仰,组成家庭和社会,开始天南海北的文化交流,形成城邦和区域国家,诞生广域王权国家:夏、商和周,直至秦汉帝国统一。由此,纪录片全方位解码了中国大地之上百万年的人类史、一万年的文化史、五千多年的文明史,交出了一份宏大、深邃又生动的时代文化答卷。
回复 :A COUNTRY CALLED HOME is a compelling coming of age story with universal appeal because it deals with trials and trepidations that most people experience in one way or another, no matter who they are or where they are from. The story incorporates the views of people from all walks of life; different generations, different places, and different socio-economic backdrops.After ru...