上松範康、午夜RUCCA、午夜Elements Garden担当原案的多媒体企划《テクノロイド》始动,动画制作由动画工房负责,游戏开发由Wonder Planet负责,目标是2022年的游戏发行和动画播出。浦和希、渋谷慧、峯田大夢、kayto、古川慎、萩谷慧悟、梶原岳人、榎木淳弥、大塚剛央、杉林晟人、仲村宗悟将参演该企划。
上松範康、午夜RUCCA、午夜Elements Garden担当原案的多媒体企划《テクノロイド》始动,动画制作由动画工房负责,游戏开发由Wonder Planet负责,目标是2022年的游戏发行和动画播出。浦和希、渋谷慧、峯田大夢、kayto、古川慎、萩谷慧悟、梶原岳人、榎木淳弥、大塚剛央、杉林晟人、仲村宗悟将参演该企划。
回复 :BotBots are Transformer robots that disguise themselves as everyday mall objects. By day, these BotBots hide quietly on store shelves. But, at night, they jump into adventure until a group of BotBots called ‘The Lost Bots’ run into the mall security guard and put all the bots in danger. Will these misfits be able to overcome their differences, defeat the security guard and gain...
回复 :一双灵巧的双手带着爱的回忆,用粘土捏出一个个鲜活的人物。粘土小人儿动了起来,跟周围的杯碗瓶罐互动,开始讲述一个意大利家庭三代人历经半个多世纪的家族奋斗史。20世纪初,出身劳工阶级的祖父和祖母质朴地相爱了,他们的幸福结合很快面临人类历史上最残忍的半个世纪的考验。一个新生的小家庭从意大利颠沛到法国,用顽强的韧性对抗一个混战的世界,守护叫做家的天堂。
回复 :The past is haunting the Venture building, literally. Can a good exorcism fix everything Meanwhile, Hank is pressured by goons to break off his relationship with their mobster boss' daughter.